Faith Life Inquiry

Education bears within itself a seed of hope: the hope of peace and justice; the hope of beauty and goodness; the hope of social harmony. Pope Francis, 2020(1)

At Oscar Romero Catholic Primary school, we are inspired by the words of our patron, St Oscar Romero, to aspire not to have more but to be more, not to grab everything but to give abundantly to others.(2)

As members of a Catholic school community, we are called to respect the dignity of every person and to work together for justice and peace. Modelled on the life of Jesus, students are nurtured to be respectful and responsible, and to love and care for themselves, others and the environment.

We believe that faith and life are interconnected. Through our Faith Life Inquiry, we provoke thinking and encourage students to ask questions and make connections across the learning areas so that they engage in the world with a view of understanding their place in it. We make authentic links to our Catholic religious tradition and, in a spirit of dialogue, ask students to grow in their faith in our current world.

We are part of the Parish of Our Lady’s, Craigieburn and Roxburgh Park. Through our school-based programs, we prepare Catholic students for the reception of the Sacraments of Reconciliation (Year 3), Eucharist (Year 4) and Confirmation (Year 6).

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